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The Importance of Choosing Chirally Correct Skincare

The Importance of Choosing Chirally Correct Skincare

We all want healthy, radiant skin and we’re often bombarded with messaging around the latest ‘miracle’ product in the skincare arena.

But there’s a little known scientific concept more people should be talking about if they’re serious about skincare that actually works and that is: chirally correct skincare.

What is Chirally Correct Skincare?

Chirality is a key principle in the pharmaceutical space that’s also a game-changer for skincare formulation.

In simple terms, chirality refers to the "handedness" of molecules. Just like our hands are mirror images of each other, some molecules exist in two forms: a left-handed (L) and a right-handed (D) version.

These versions can have completely different effects on your skin. One form might be beneficial, while the other could be inactive or even harmful.

When skincare ingredients are "chirally correct," they use the molecule version best suited for your skin's needs.

Why Choose Chirally Correct Skincare?

1. Better Absorption

Chirally correct ingredients are designed to fit into the receptors on your skin like puzzle pieces. This means your skin can absorb and use the active ingredients more effectively, leading to better results.

2. Reduced Irritation

When a product contains both forms of a molecule, the "wrong-handed" one may cause irritation. Chirally correct skincare focuses on the form that will ‘play nice’ with your skin, without it’s troublesome twin crashing the party.

3. Enhanced Potency

When you use chirally correct ingredients, you're getting the most potent version of the active ingredient. So you’re supercharging the benefits of ingredients like Vitamin C, retinol, and peptides, which can lead to brighter, smoother, and more youthful skin over time.

Choosing Chirally Correct Skincare

At Skin Fitness Therapy we’re pioneers in the space of chirally correct skincare. Since starting our brand and developing our formulations with chemists, our focus has been on the science behind clean, healthy skincare that actually works.

If you want better results for your skin, it’s important to choose brands that focus on the science behind creating the most effective, gentle products for boosting skin health. Look for products that specify chirally correct ingredients or mention the use of specific isomers (the individual forms of molecules).

Otherwise, you won’t be gaining the full benefit of an ingredient, and half of the molecule (that you paid for!) won’t be absorbed into the skin.